Take The Dogpill #1

3 min readMar 26, 2021

Dogpill is a brand-new Crypto Currency on the Binance Smart Chain which aims to both increase value for holders and generate money for Dog related charities! Our team decided to create the Dogpill token after the failure of the Grumpy Cat token. We loved the mission of Grumpy Cat, but there were obvious problems with its execution which we aimed to solve.

1. Charity Donations

Based on the transaction logs we can see that the Grumpy Cat token did not have an auto generating function for charity. Instead, the initial donations were made by kindhearted early buyers of the token which decided to donate to the Sterling Shelter. We were so happy to see the Shelter get a much-needed donation! However, we at Dogpill saw the problem that the token itself did not generate any continuous income for the Charity wallet, it only generated continuous income for hodlers. Therefore, we decided that Dogpill would be created and would instead automatically take 1% of all transactions and place them in a charity wallet for sustainable and continuous donations!

2. Copyright

The Grumpy Cat Token had an obvious problem that was ignored from the beginning. The name Grumpy Cat is trademarked, as well as the likeness of the original Grumpy Cat that was created into the meme we all loved! Therefore, this infringement produced a Cease-and-Desist request from the Copy Right holders which has prevented the token from being listed on Centralized Exchanges, and it appears has also led it being removed from Coin Gecko.

3. Bad Leadership

As a ‘community driven’ token the team was extremely decentralized and did not agree on Grumpy Cat’s core mission or the direction ahead. From reports, this led to extreme infighting, people leaving the team, and the eventually hacking of their twitter and demise of their original telegram group. Here at Dogpill we are united in our goals to generate increasing and consistent donations to as many Dog related charities as possible as well as increasing token value for holders.

Our Launch:

We launched our token on March 25th 2021 on the DxSale platform. We had an amazing launch which sold out in one second raising 75 BNB! We were overwhelmed with the support the crypto community has for our token and helping dogs. Since then we have been hard at work marketing our token, polling our telegram community for our first charity, as well as redesigning our website and increasing our social media presence. We believe as evidenced by our launch our token has a very bright future!

The Future:

We are hard at work helping Dogpill continue to grow. Our next goal is to make our first donation to a Dog related charity as chosen by our community. We are hard at work redesigning the website and many other exciting projects we can’t wait to share! In addition to our first donation, our short-term goals include getting listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap as well as getting listed on our first centralized exchange. We are excited to start this journey with our dedicated community and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Dogpill. Buy the token on Pancake Swap, follow us on twitter, join our telegram and TAKE THE DOGPILL!


2% goes to liquidity

2% of every transaction is automatically added to the Pancakeswap liquidity pool. This ensures there are always enough Dogpills to go around.

1% is burnt

1% of every transaction is sent to the burn address. This decreases the circulating supply and makes Dogpill deflationary.

1% is redistributed

1% of every transaction is split between all Dogpill holders. You don’t need to do anything — the tokens are sent straight to your wallet!

1% goes to charity

1% of every transaction is sent to the charity wallet. Once a month, the community will vote on which charity to receive a donation


Main Website: Dogpill.finance

Telegram: https://t.me/DogpillFinance

Twitter: http://twitter.com/DogpillFinance

BSC Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x50c718cFD843807d545C7C627d3b6Be662092488

Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x50c718cFD843807d545C7C627d3b6Be662092488

Pancake Swap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x50c718cFD843807d545C7C627d3b6Be662092488

Charity Wallet: https://bscscan.com/address/0xb1b015001CDdd607843e33502713D9acDC7EfD4d#tokentxns




Take the Dogpill! 1% of Transaction Costs to Charity Wallet 1% to Hodlers $DGPL is on the BSC now available on Pancake Swap! Great Things Coming Stay tuned!